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Online store -Benefits of selling products online

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Benefits of selling products online

These days, when the cities are overcrowded, people spend hours in traffic and a lot of time is wasted. Aside from being too busy, traffic can cause confusion and nervousness. For this reason, people prefer to buy the goods they need from the nearest places, and it is possible to buy these goods at a much higher price.

With the advancement of technology and the emergence of new communication devices and tools, new businesses and jobs have emerged. In recent years, social networks and smartphones have led to an increase in the number of Internet users. These developments have made the Internet a platform for various businesses. Many people have been able to generate income using the Internet and cyberspace. The online store, which is growing in number these days, is one of these businesses. Although these stores are virtual, they have a large number of employees. An online home appliance store, online clothing store, and mobile online store and… are among these stores that have attracted many users.

Due to the rise of virtual businesses, many businesses that traditionally operate have decided to enter the field of online sales. In addition to the benefits for sellers, online stores also have many benefits for customers. Presenting the product digitally has had a great positive impact on people’s lives. So many people prefer to buy from online stores. Of course, traditional shopping is still as common as ever. In this article, we try to ask questions such as; Advantages and disadvantages of traditional shopping, how to present the product digitally, the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping for buyers and sellers, and. Are answered.

Online store and the role of the digital store on life

With the spread of technology and technology reciprocally, the needs of life also increase. In today’s world where all countries are developing and developing, the needs of people’s lives are also different. At the same time, time is very important for everyone and people try to make the best use of their time. In the meantime, a lot of time is spent buying basic necessities of life. In this regard, creative people were able to provide opportunities to save people’s time and money and on the other hand, their business can flourish. These days words like; Online shopping, online shopping, online store, online store, digital store, and many such phrases are heard. The meaning of all these words is the same.

Online stores have been created as a site, but recently there have been pages for online sales on social networks such as Instagram and Telegram. In the online store, the buyer can choose whatever he wants and pay for it either online or in cash, then the device he wants will be sent to the desired address. It is common for people; Shopping from city-level shops and stores.

Benefits of Online Shopping for Buyers

With the advent of digital and online stores, there have been many changes in the way we shop. The benefits of online shopping include the following:

Save time; The user can make different purchases with a few clicks and receive the desired product in the shortest time. In traditional shopping, on the other hand, it takes hours to get what we want.

Cost savings; When we shop online, travel costs are virtually eliminated. Also, items that are offered online are usually less expensive and are often sold at a discount.

Possibility of comparison; In online stores, you can compare similar products with each other, while in traditional shopping, it may be necessary to refer to several stores and shops for comparison.

Variety of products; One of the factors that make online shopping popular with people is the variety of products. Usually in digital stores, there are several types of each product in different sizes and colors, and the user can buy with more choice.

Easy to find products; In many cases, it has happened to us that we have been looking for a specific product and we have not found it in shops and stores in the city, or after a long search, we found it if the name of that product can be searched in Google. And Joe found all the online stores that supplied that product.

Benefits of selling products online for sellers

Online shopping is not only beneficial for the buyer but also for the sellers. In order to have an online store, in the first step, you need to set up an internet site. You can refer to us site design company for this so that our designers and programmers can design a professional store site for you. First of all, a budget should be spent on advertising and site promotion in search engines. The stronger you act, the more customers you will undoubtedly have.

The most important thing for the success of store sites is to have a marketing strategy. To do this, you can get advice from marketers. You can also use our consultants in this field in the Avengering website design company. When your store site is professional and with high traffic, it creates the following benefits for you:

Selling products without intermediaries 

Reduce the cost of renting and mortgaging a shop; Online store owners only have to pay annually for hosting and domain costs, which cost much less than renting and mortgaging the store.

Attract more customers using marketing tricks 

Expanding the field of work; For example, a shop in Tehran is less likely to be able to sell to other cities. But users of store sites can be from any city and country, and if the product is purchased, the seller will send it in different ways.

Expand the shop window; City-level shops are often small and can not have a variety of products, and most of them have little inventory. This makes sellers always worried about the stock of their goods and pay a lot of money for shipping the goods.

No time limit; All online stores provide services to users around the clock, and the buyer can buy at any time of the day, but the shops in the city are only open for an hour, so the owner of the online store can sell at any time.

Sufficient time to deliver products to the buyer; There are many times when we go to a store when we have run out of stock and we are forced to buy the product from another place or at another time. This does not happen in most online stores. In the case of no stock, the buyer can place an order and the seller can quickly prepare and send it.

Sales diversity; A variety of products can be seen in most online stores these days. An online store owner can sell any product in his store. While in city-level shops, the variety of products is very low due to lack of space. Of course, there is a variety of products in department stores, but it is a bit difficult to find a specific product. In the online store, the seller does not have to sell a specific type of product, he can sell any product. Store sites can diversify and categorize their products. Many online stores these days often sell food, digital, home appliances, etc. together and offer them to the customer in a principled category.

Avoid sales problems with online payment; Payment for goods in online stores is often online and the customer can not receive the goods until he pays for the purchase. This prevents many sales problems, such as credit, customer insistence on discounts, fraud. Payments and…. Of course, in some stores, there is payment at the customer’s place, but the customer knows that the price of the product is the final price and he must pay.

Prevent the theft of goods; These days, many sellers are concerned about the theft of goods in the shop by some profiteers, so they have provided a variety of CCTV cameras and exit sensors and در in their shop to reduce theft. The same equipment and their periodic service have a lot of costs for shop owners. Also, with these measures, some thieves still use other tricks. However, there is no such thing as stealing goods in online stores.

Cooperation with other stores; In online stores, the seller can also get help from other sellers and they can sell their products in the virtual store by contract. This has several advantages for both vendors; The owner of the virtual store shares in the profit of the sale, if the store in question is a brand, it adds to the reputation of the online store, and the seller is also provided with a platform to offer his products.

Professional online store

Most existing online stores are booming today. But some stores have become brands and it can be said that they set the price of many available goods. To succeed in this field, you need to follow a few points. The first step is to have a professional store site; To do this, you can refer to us site design company and get a professional site. Website designers at Avengering  Website Design Company are familiar with the principles of marketing and design a site that is professional in terms of marketing.

Advertising and SEO is the most important next step. If your store is professional but does not have SEO and advertising, users will not be aware of its existence. So designing your site becomes useless. You can also leave the SEO and store optimization to the experts based on the Avengering website design company to optimize your site in the best way.

The next and most important thing is marketing. In order for your site to attract an audience and a user, it must have a marketing strategy. Marketing has different parts that must be applied to each site. One of them is content marketing. The content of the site should turn the user into a customer.


In general, according to the above, the online store has many advantages for both the buyer and the seller. These days, online shopping has attracted more fans than traditional shopping, so most marketers advise sellers to develop their traditional sales with online sales.


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