Providering WEB Conferencing

web conferencing Providing web conferencing

Web conferencing allows you to interact with current and potential customers over the Internet. Unlike webinar and webcast services, web conferencing allows you to pay more personal attention.

You can share the screen of your computer with your participants. You can access your client’s computer remotely, which is convenient for helping you with technical support or guiding a client in the use of a new program.

Web conferencing is an excellent tool for business interactions. These programs allow participants to participate in conversations and collaborate on projects. A tool, application sharing, is ideal for allowing participants to collaborate on an important project.

Other useful features of web conferencing services include a prep mode that allows you to hold a dry meeting to test the software and your presentation before others enter the room.

Reports help you keep track of attendance and other data to improve meetings. Outlook integration is an added benefit because you can schedule and start meetings from Outlook and receive reminders before the meeting.

As we said Web Conferencing is an online service by which you can hold live meetings, conferencing. all of presentations and trainings should be acted  via the internet on TCP/IP connections. You can connect to the conference either by telephone or using your computer’s speakers , microphone through a VoIP connection.

How do you make an ES Conference Web with us services

You can not wait until the last minute to plan, you must start early. Although every web conference varies, here are some steps to help you plan your own. You can easily increase productivity by using a teleconference instead. Setting up a teleconference is easy – just follow these 14 steps.

Decide what you want to accomplish.

Limit to what can be covered by the web conference within a certain time.

Contact with Avenger IT Next Generation.

If you use one, set a date and time for the web conference, cover basic details, and get links and access codes to send to participants. Allow an extra half hour in case the conference lasts a long time.

 Decide who should attend.

Use the conference software to invite them. Include the link and access code they will need to participate.

 Create a timed calendar.

Collect meeting content, including spreadsheets, presentations, and documents. Create or assign a person to prepare the hardware for use by the conferencing software, and then pre-test it.

Make it interesting.

The mere act of watching someone speak is not going to keep the interest of the participants. Keep it alive! Use available technology to vary activity with videos or slides, interactive quizzes, application sharing, or a white board.

 Create a slide that will appear when participants connect.

This will allow them to participate in the good web conference.

Determine the expectations of the participants.

Inform them of how they should prepare. Send them the necessary material in advance. Include a reminder of the link and access code.

Prepare an online survey

that you can ask participants to complete after the conference to get their feedback.


Practice enough to know how to use moderator tools to answer questions or to allow participants to show their materials to the group.

 Perform a dress rehearsal of the web conference.

Make sure your presentations all work properly. Do it at least a week in advance and make the necessary changes.

Ask someone else in your company to provide

on-site technical support at the web conference so you can focus on hosting.

Open the conference software

at least half an hour before the start of the meeting. Make sure the connections and content are working properly.

Record the conference

or keep minutes for those who can not attend the web conference.

 When the conference is over,

send a thank you email to the participants asking them to answer the survey. Use the survey results to improve future web conferences.




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