The effect of URL structure on SEO
Improve the site’s URLs structure
Understandable URLs make the content of the page easier to transmit
Creating comprehensible files and categories not only makes the site more orderly, but it also helps search engines refine the content of the website. This also makes it easier for users to link to your site pages. Users also get frustrated by seeing addresses that are usually too long and have no understandable characters. In general, proper URLs play a vital role in SEO. To find out what SEO is, we recommend reading what SEO is all about.
Such URLs will prevent users from remembering it or having trouble copying it elsewhere, and because of its length, the link may not be fully copied. This holds for URLs that have incomprehensible characters. Users may also use links as anchor text. In such a case, if the page’s address used relevant and relevant words, other users and search engines would be more interested in those pages.
URLs are displayed in search results
Remember that URLs are displayed in search results and below snippets. Like the title and the snippet, the words in the URLs also become bolder and bolder if they are similar to the search term. Naturally, if you use relevant and relevant words at the address of the pages, they are more likely to appear in search results than to use irrelevant characters and numbers.
Google is very capable of refining and analyzing any complex URLs, so there should be no concern for you. But using simple and understandable URLs can be a boon for users and search engines. After reading this, you may start to change the URLs of your pages, and Google will have no problem with that. But keep in mind that this is a specialized job and requires its skills. So research before doing so.
Dictionary of meanings
[jv_tabs style = “default” fitwidth = “no” active = “1” tabs = “6”] [jv_tab title = “What is crawling?”] describes the way websites are monitored by search engine robots to index pages. Be. [/ jv_tab] [jv_tab title = ” Redirect 301What? “] Is an HTTP status code that allows the user to be automatically redirected from one address to another. [/ Jv_tab] [jv_tab title =” What is a Parameter? “] URL exists and is used to refer to the behavior of the site. [/ Jv_tab] [jv_tab title = “What is a Subdomain?”] Is a type of domain that is a subset of a primary domain and refers to use for a smaller range of primary domains. [/ Jv_tab] [jv_tab title = “What is an ID (ID)?”) A database that is used to identify or manage user behavior that is currently using system resources. [/ Jv_tab] [jv_tab title = “Root Directory Chase ? “] A directory is said to have the highest level of the tree structure of a site. [/ Jv_tab] [/ jv_tabs]
Hints about The effect of URL structure on SEO
Use words in URL
URLs that contain words related to the content of the page are much more appealing than other URLs, making their users better remembered and more likely to link to other pages.
[box title = “Avoid Doing The following”] [list icon = “icon: ban”]
- Use long URLs with unnecessary parameters and IDs
- Select Default Names in URLs
- Using Duplicate Words in URLs [/ list] [/ box]
Use a simple directory structure
Use a directory structure that regulates your content and helps users to know where the site is at any given moment, and to design it to refer to the content on the same page.
[box title = “Avoid Doing The following”] [list icon = “icon: ban”]
- Use nested structures in URLs such as “Dir1 / Dir2 / Dir3 / Dir4 / Dir5 / Dir6 / Page.Html … /”
- Use names that have nothing to do with page content [/ list] [/ box]
for more affection of URL structure on SEO:
Use a unique URL for each site page
Avoid creating different URLs for a page to prevent users from linking to a particular topic and keeping the value of each page high. If you find out that users are using different addresses to get to a page, then Redirect 301 to all addresses at the same address can be a good solution to this problem. You can also use Canonical URLs when this problem arises and if you are unable to redirect addresses.
[box title = “Avoid Doing The following”] [list icon = “icon: ban”]
- Having pages that are accessible from both the main domain and the subdomain, such as “Domain.Com/Page.Htm” and “Sub.Domain.Com/Page.Htm”
- Use uppercase alphabet in URL [/ list] [/ box]
Working with Digital marketing, SEO services, and website design and Migrating services to PWA with a highly experienced team for years, َAvenger IT Next Generation has been able to meet the needs of people in various businesses and help businesses grow. Continuously updating their level of knowledge and exploring different markets has surpassed the pioneers in this field and incorporate successful experiences into their careers.
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