types of redirects

What is Redirect? Introducing 301 302 and 307 redirects

Home » What is Redirect? Introducing 301 302 and 307 redirects

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Preface: What is Redirect? all tips about the redirect

Redirect means the transfer of one URL to another URL. Generally, there are three types of redirect 301, 302 and meta-refresh that we will teach them all. In this article, you find all tips about all types of redirects

What is Redirect?

Redirect means moving users and search engines from one page to another. The following is a more detailed introduction and explanation of the types of redirects.

redirect 301

Types of redirects

Redirect 301:The page is redirected permanently and is suitable for SEO.

Redirect 302: The page is redirected temporarily.

Meta Refresh

redirect 301

Redirect 301

Redirect 301 means a permanent transfer of a URL and transmits between 90 and 99% of the page’s credibility. 301 is one of the HTTP status codes defined for this type of redirect. In many cases, Redirect 301 is the best way to redirect a page to a website.

  • when you want to delete a page, use the 301 to forward it to the next logical location
  • When you want to make one version of a document or address unavailable in favor of the other, 301 the former to the latter.

Redirect 302

Some Google employees have pointed out that redirects like 301 and 302 are sometimes treated alike. But the evidence suggests that the safest way to transfer credit from one page to another is to use a permanent 301 redirect. The Internet is based on the HTTP protocol, which runs both 1.0 and 1.1. The definition of Redirect 302 in these two protocols is slightly different and in version 1.1 it no longer has the meaning of a temporary transfer.

for you and us? None. If you want to use it, call your SEO consultant and explain what you want to do. Then listen and obey.

If you’re a programmer and feel you need it (for a Post/Redirect/Get pattern) consider using 303 instead.

Redirect 303

we want to make sure you’re not going to refresh this page like crazy and resubmit your credit card payment like a zillion times — so… I’m going to send you to this other place — Please hold your credit card on your other hand to help prevent any confusion?

to prevent bookmarking or refreshing of pages that hold one-time-only data (think a credit card payment form), a server may answer with 303 which means “I have received the information from your form that you’ve sent using the POST method; to prevent any data accidents, please see my response at this other URL bringing the data over using the GET method just to be clear.”

for you and us? None. For web developers? See under theory.

Redirect 307

Redirect 307 is the temporary redirect 302 in HTTP Version 1.1. While many search engines like Redirect 302 deal with this, it is still the best way to use Redirect 301. This redirect is appropriate when you are temporarily relocating the site and your server supports HTTP version 1.1. Since search engines cannot be assured of the new page, it is therefore still more appropriate for temporary redirects to 302.

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Redirect Meta Refresh

Meta Refresh is a type of redirect that is performed at the page level instead of at the server level. This type of redirect is usually slow and not recommended in SEO techniques. You’ve probably seen this kind of redirects on the chat forums and after editing your information. They usually appear in the form of a 5-second temporary page with the message “Click here if you don’t move to the page for a few seconds”. This redirects the page credits to some extent but is not recommended due to the lack of full credibility and poor SEO performance.

types of redirects :"Redirect Meta Refresh"

Best SEO Solutions in Redirects

Redirecting between pages on websites is common, but you must do your utmost to avoid damaging your site ‘s SEO.

The simplest scenario, for example, is that one page after another has to be redirected permanently.

There are several options for this, but overall, Redirect 301 is the most preferred choice for users and search engines. Creating a 301 redirect to both browsers and search engines announces that this page has been fully migrated. Search engines infer that in addition to changing the URL of the page, its content may have been updated as well.

Keep in mind that redirecting from page to page takes some time to be identified by search engines, especially if your website is such that Google robots come in late. Generally, transferring site rank and credentials takes a little time after identifying.

Your other choices, Reddit 302 and Meta Refresh, are poor alternatives and you shouldn’t expect credit to be moved to new pages. These types of redirects are only appropriate when you do not intend to move the page rank to the new one as a webmaster.

Moving content from one domain to another is a bit more complicated and due to its specific issues, its search engine implementation takes a longer time. Search engines further investigate these types of redirects before considering them because of issues like hacking or spamming activity.

Redirect 301 in Apache

Redirect 310 on the Apache platform requires mod_rewrite to be installed and enabled. This preference is active on most Linux servers, especially the FreeBSD distribution. It can be activated using the .htaccess file and create complex redirects using the instructions in this area. The simplest type of Redirect 301 is as follows.

Redirect 301 / rank / ranking

With this command, the page with the rank address will be moved to the page with the ranking address .there are some sophisticated commands  Redirect 301 that is out of the question.

How Can we Check Which Redirect we are Using?

Yes. This information is transmitted by the server to you. It’s not visible on a web page as the information is meant for the browser itself but you can make it visible with a tool like this header checker. SEO is not hard but you need some great SEO experience to make the server end changes or else hire some web developer to make the redirects for you via htaccess file.


By harnessing the power of mod_rewrite and a little regular expression magic the original developers at Moz developed a set of simple rules for redirecting web pages. By using 301 redirects, they did this in a way that was search engine–friendly.


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