The SEO report is the most essential parameter and criteria of digital marketing. In essence, measurement is an essential component of any marketplace activity. Not only do we need measurement to understand the economic impact of our operations, but also to provide our customers with reports. Reporting(SEO report) is the integration of this measure into a tangible representation of performance and results of activities, so reporting accurately is essential.
Each SEO report needs indicators that show customers. These indices vary widely, like economic indices, and vary across businesses. However, there are key indicators that illustrate how SEO works Are on business.
In addition to these indicators, other criteria can be added that can be included in the SEO report. It is also important that your customers understand these metrics and criteria.
Here’s a list of the top 10 benchmarks in SEO reports and how to use them effectively.
the traffic
The most common source of traffic information for a website is Google Analytics. However, you may use a different analyzer platform. This post only refers to Google Analytics.
The most important element of traffic reporting is parameter Session This can be checked at various times, including weekly, monthly and yearly. Depending on the customer’s wishes you can also report season by season.
In the report Session Or the same number of user referrals to the site, there are many choices you can include in your report. These choices must be the same throughout the timeframe.
User behavior
One of the most prominent parameters in the last year is the behavior of users on the site. Google attaches great importance to the behavior of users towards the content of the site, from this day on through their parameters and inserts it into the ranking of sites.
These are the key parameters:
- Bounce rate: The percentage of users who leave without going to another page and interacting specifically with the site.
- Duration of each visit: Average time that users stay on site.
- The number of pages per visit: The average number of pages viewed by each user.
It is important to note that the last two parameters should not below, but if there are too many, then one lapse. Too much of these two parameters indicates that users cannot find the page content they want..
One of the best ways to find this information is Google Analytics that you can easily use and cite in your SEO reports.
Convert users to customers
No matter how much traffic the site enters and the behavior of users, what is ultimately important is to drive the site and convert users into customers. The conversion of users to customers can be examined with the following two parameters :
- Exchange rate
- Convert number
If your site is a store website, your conversion will be sales-related, and two more relevant criteria can be added to the SEO report.:
- Final income
- The average value of orders
These parameters can be found in Google Analytics and Section E-Commerce See. Many options can be used to provide the smallest reports.
Landing pages
Understand which of the landing pages Users are the source of site traffic is very important. Certainly, you have pages on your website that are always generating traffic to the site and are therefore highly valued. So they had to be sure of their accuracy. It is also important to look at the traffic that new pages expect to receive.
Finding landing pages that usually rank highest in search results can be one of the most important SEO reports to customers. Checking these pages will provide good statistical information about the link between site traffic and landing pages.
Presence in search results
A look at the search results can give good information about how well the site is displayed. The number of words you rank, pages rank in search results, the total number of searches, as well as the amount of traffic gained through search are all crucial information in the SEO process.
website Searchmetrics Using these parameters gives you points and you can get more by purchasing the full version. But the same points can also be compared to comparable cases over a while.
Page Rank
website < astyle = “color: blue;” href = “” target = “_ blank” rel = ” nofollow “> SEMrushOne of the best SEO tools It’s about your own site, your customers’ site as well as your competitors . Like the previous parameter, site rank is also a factor in site review.
This tool separates the site’s ranking in the number of different keywords. Increasing the number of keywords in the top 100 search results, as well as increasing the number of keywords on the Google homepage can be one of the reportable parameters in site optimization.
Simply enter your domain name in the box on this site and, once approved, this site will display a report on it.
Rankings and Keywords
While today’s SEO is far from focusing on merely ranking a keyword, it is still an indicator for many businesses.
There are several sources to consider, one of them Accuranker Is. However, the best and most accurate tool for ranking a keyword is Google’s Tulsa Webmaster.
Going to the destination Search Analytics And select each keyword, view and report its rank change over some time.
Link metrics
Link index is one way of displaying on-page SEO promotion And external to the site. The higher the number and quality of inbound links to your site, the more likely your site are to have a better chance of ranking. The known measurement criteria in this parameter are:
- Domain Attribute: This tool measures the validity of incoming links to a site and assigns a number to it.
- MajesticSEO: This website also has two parameters that can be measured based on the value of backlinks to each website
- Citation Flow And Trust Flow Attributes.
- The number of new links: This parameter allows you to check the number of new links received daily. This value in part New
- Referring Domains The previous website is reported.
- Many missing links: If the number of links lost on the site is higher than the number of new links, then the number of links is decreasing and this is not a good thing. This parameter is also on the site Ahref Is visible.
When preparing an SEO report, you can leave some comments. In this section, you can use numbers to describe your view of different topics.
- Why have landing pages soared?
- What impact have the recent changes had?
- Why is site traffic low?
- How have recent changes affected user behavior?
- These are questions you can answer to your interpretation and include in your SEO report.
Changing Factors
Changes made to the SEO site Created, as well as Google updates and their impact on SEO, are some of the things that can be mentioned in the SEO report.
Other things you can write about in your report include:
- Show the ratio of new users to total users
- Referring to the site’s technical problems and their solutions
- The technical materials that are commonly found on websites and that you probably have solved are these:
- Number of duplicates content
- The empty metadata count
- Number of redirects
- Canonical tags not stated
SEO is just one part of the puzzle when it comes to running a website. However, it’s a piece you have to pay special attention to if you want your website to get the traffic it deserves. After all, search engines don’t care how much effort you put into your blog posts and content if they aren’t optimized.
There are dozens of services you can use to improve your search engine rankings, but some of our favorites include Google Search Console, Moz Pro, and SEMrush. The first packs a lot of tools you can use to discover how search engines view your website, whereas the latter two enable you to conduct professional-level keyword research.
If you are ready to optimize your website don’t forget the above items. we Consider having a consultation with us about your SEO and review our information in this link about the SEO report.